The Wild Swans At Coole

ID: SM-000208782
КомпозиторWilliam Hedrick
Автор текста William Butler Yeats
ИздательWilliam Hedrick
Год создания 2014
Жанр Классика / Вокальная музыка
Инструменты Флейта, Скрипка, Альт, Виолончель, Контрабас, Бас
Состав исполнителейСолисты, Струнный оркестр
Тип нотПартитура, Партии
Уровень сложности Сложно
Описание "The Wild Swans at Coole" is a text by William Butler Yeats (PD, 1865-1939) with music by W. David Hedrick. This is duet for lyric baritone and bass with string choir and flute. It is approximately 8 minutes in duration and is an extended lyrical composition. The poet reflects on a time around 1919 when he visited the lake at Augusta Gregory's Coole Park residence. He returns 15 years later and observes how the swans have not changed but that life has. This full score has all string parts, solo flute, and piano reduction (for rehearsal only). The elegance of this composition is best displayed with the string accompaniment and does not have the energy and urgency with piano alone. The piano reduction is included for rehearsing the music. The piece is suitable for most concert venues, festival, and contests. The audio clip is a computer rendering in Finale.
Дата публикации 18.07.2014


10.00 USD
PDF, 4.90 Мб (34 стр.)


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